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Water Leak Detection: Everything You Need To Know 2021

Running water is a blessing, but it also has its downsides. When you see a water leak, and you spot the first signs of trouble on your ceiling or notice that not as much hot water comes out in morning showers as usual, then more often than not, there’s something wrong with your pipes!

How Does a Plumber Detect a Water Leak?

You call a professional plumber to find the leak, and they’ll do some investigating. They may check fixtures, under sinks, irrigation systems, dishwasher connections – anything that could be leaking water. An experienced plumber might even have you open up taps while they’re around so we can see how much water is really going into your pipes! They would use non-invasive methods to find the exact locations of leaks. They will employ equipment designed for finding hidden water leaks to figure out what’s causing those pesky, leaky problems! Once all that investigating is done, and they know where the issue lie, then only can we set about fixing it with these wonderful tools:

Video Equipment

With video inspection equipment that can navigate the pipes under your home, a leak detection plumbers service personnel with training in interpreting what it shows can very quickly establish whether or not there’s a leak.

Listening Discs

When plumbers come over to fix a leak, they might have acoustic devices and use advanced leak detection equipment. It has headphones and microphones that help them find the running water through your pipes!

Soil Probe

The sound of a leaky pipe can drive you nuts. But what if it was an underground water leak below your lawn? The Soil Probe is the device that will save you. With its highly sensitive pointy-tip and pressurized detector wand on board, this thing will transport you right down into a world full of underground leaks in need of help.

Thermal Imaging Cameras

Thermal Imaging Cameras can detect small leaks due to temperature abnormalities, revealing how much leaking is occurring from pipes hidden in walls or ceilings.

How Much Does It Cost to Detect a Water Leak?

how much does it cost to detect a water leak

A leak detection plumber can be hard to find, but they may also cost more than you think! Finding the right water leak repair professional is a process that requires some research. The average cost of a plumber to find water leaks varies depending on the type of property and time spent at your site.

The different charges involved in a plumbing job may make the cost of hiring someone for their expertise worth it. It’s not just about labour; you have to factor in all the other expenses too, like material and leak detection equipment preparation fees and possible overtime rates if there is any concern that would need considerable time to get to.

If you’re a homeowner, be aware that these water leak detection service estimates only detect the leak and not fix it. It also doesn’t consider any of the costs associated with repairing existing systems, pipe replacement, testing, or removing hazardous materials such as asbestos or lead – contractor overhead costs and taxes/permits fees too!

Location of the leak

The pipe location may also be a factor in the cost of leak detection and pipe repair.

  • The slab leak is one of the most common types of household plumbing issues that experienced plumbers come across in their workday-but it’s also among the most costly for homeowners due to its potentially deep roots. Leaks occur underground or under a concrete foundation.
  • The leaky ceiling – the most common sign of water leaks in your house. The price depends on what needs to be done and whether or not there are any other problems with the pipes, like hydrostatic testing, smoke tests (or infrared cameras).
  • Roof leaks are a sneaky problem. You may not be aware of their symptoms for some time, and they can cost you hundreds to thousands without warning. 

Types of leak

The type of leak also factors in how much you can expect to pay for detection. In case of a black water leak or category three, immediate attention is required. This type of plumbing problem can be more expensive than other types and should not wait any longer to get fixed! Category one and two leaks might not seem severe, but they still need to be corrected promptly.

When Is a Water Leak Considered an Emergency?

when is a water leak considered an emergency

A Maintenance Emergency is a condition that could cause injury or threaten health if not taken care of promptly. For instance: fire from a broken gas line or leak, flooding from the waterline break, black water contamination when black gets into your drinking supply and hazardous material spillage, which are all potentially life-threatening conditions.

There is no need for panic when you go to your kitchen sink and notice that a leak has been going on. If it’s not too large, then just turn off the main valve and call our licensed plumbers at Perth from Rowson’s Plumbing Services.

Is Water Leak Detection Considered an Emergency?

A water leak detection specialist would view most calls as urgent but not an emergency. An emergency water leak detection company may not provide efficient service without an emergency plumber and have the sole role of identifying the leak and provide support through the process as part of an insurance claim, including leak allowance, mitigation drying and other claims processes.

What to Do in A Water Leak Emergency

The moment you hear a leak, it’s best to keep calm and contact Rowson’s to send a Plumbing team. The first thing you’ll want to do is turn off your house main water supply valve before opening all accessible taps throughout the home – this will give time for pipes in other parts of your property to release any pressure that may be present.

In case of flooding, use towels and sponges to absorb any water to stop further damage to the carpet, boards and tiles. If the water is leaking towards any electrical appliance or the electrical systems, switch off the power supply to the area, if possible. When safety is ensured, remove the electrical devices from the wet area and not touch those plugged in.

If Rowson’s licensed plumber hasn’t arrived yet, keep reading.

What Not to Do in A Water Leak Emergency

For your safety, don’t turn the water back on until all of those pesky emergency leaks are fixed! Turning the taps will only cause more pressure and make things worse.

Don’t try to fix it yourself; let the professionals handle this one. The leak in your wall has been going on for a while, and it could have even developed some mould. If you open up the drywall yourself, those spores can spread all over your house! 

Don’t ignore a leak! Even if you think it’s small, even if your water meter says the water usage is low. A pinhole or slow leak can have vast and expensive consequences on property and health.

What Are the Common Leak Detection Tests?

The most common detection methods use acoustic equipment that detects the vibrations associated with leaks in pressurized pipes; they are, in essence, listening for leaks. It was also found that various types of imaging, fibre optics, and meter measurements were used to identify leaks. 

What Are the Common Signs of Water Leaks?

A leak is as subtle as a slow draining sink or toilet. How do you know if there’s something wrong, aside from the obvious?

An unusually high water bill can be an indication of plumbing issues in your home!

How many times have you been walking across your carpet and suddenly stepped in Wet or Damp Floors? The dog doesn’t seem to be guilty, but it’s probably not the kids! The chances are that there is some water leaking from somewhere. Wet patches on your yard despite the absence of rain would also indicate a leak.

The sound of running water or dripping can indicate problems like leaks and blockages, but only after checking all other possible sources. Leak noise might be the hardest thing to detect: it’s best you leave this up to acoustic leak detection services that use advanced leak detection techniques to determine where the leakage is coming from.

Potential Dangers of Untreated Water Leaks on Your Commercial or Residential Property

potential dangers of untreated water leaks on your commercial or residential property

Leaks are a common problem property owners tend to overlook. As a plumbing professional, I can tell you that no leak is too small. Even the tiniest of leaks could lead to really costly water damage. A pinhole leak or slow leak can become a catastrophic leak when leaks corrode the pipe material and end in burst water pipes due to stress from water pressure flow. For any plumbing problem to be repaired quickly and effectively, you need to contact a local plumbing expert for professional service.

Mildew and Mould

Mould and fungi spores are nuisances that can be a disaster for your health, property, and long-term well being. You might think that a new house is a mould-free right from the get-go, but in reality, most places have at least some form of spores hidden somewhere inside their walls or crevices. This can be an issue even with built homes. When they are allowed to stay dry, then such spore colonies can lay dormant for decades and become active with moisture, which you simply don’t want happening. In the presence of water, mould can proliferate and produce even more spores that pollute the air and make a very unsightly mess for me to clean up!

Structural Damage

If you notice dark spots, staining and streaks along your walls, then don’t procrastinate. Call us today for a professional team to help diagnose the problem before it gets worse! If your home has any of these three symptoms, then it’s time to call in the experts. Neglecting them may lead to costly repairs or structural problems down the line!

Seeping water can lead to warping and swelling of materials, which is not just a problem for drywall. If left untreated, these changes in moisture levels could compromise your home’s support beams or overall structural integrity!

Contaminated Water

Engineers from the University of Sheffield found that in cases where there is piping damage or significant drops in pressure, it creates an opening for foreign substances to enter through any holes or crevices left open by corrosion. But how would a substantial decrease in water pressure happen? It usually happens by turning off the water supply valve when someone is trying to detect and address leaks.


One of the scariest dangers that a water leak can lead to is accidental fires. If leaking water reaches an electrical outlet, it will turn on and create sparks that could ignite into roaring flames threatening your life or property. This would no longer be just about plumbing problems- this becomes more than you bargained for!

With a water leak in your workplace, it’s essential to be aware of the potential for hazardous substances. Keep an eye out and if you spot anything that could cause toxic chemicals or other dangers, make sure everyone moves away from them immediately!

Can I Perform Leak Detection Myself?

Professional leak detection is a lot more than just finding out if leaks exist. Finding the accurate location of where they’re occurring without disrupting your home’s structure as little as possible can be difficult. Qualified plumbers tackle a plumbing leak with all these advanced leak location technology that require special training: ground microphones, listening discs, thermal scanners and video pipe inspection equipment.

Final Thoughts

Leak detection can be a complicated process, but it’s worth the effort. One of the first steps is to find out if you have any leaks in your home, which will require licensed professionals with special training and equipment that most homeowners don’t own themselves! The best way to prevent a disaster is by taking action early. If you think something might be wrong with your pipes or plumbing system, give Perth’s best commercial and residential plumbers at Rowson’s Plumbing Services a call! You can’t emphasize enough how important it is not to wait until property damage worsens before seeking help from an experienced plumber.

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