So, you’re having trouble with your toilet tank not filling up after a flush? It’s quite common for homeowners to encounter this problem. There are many different reasons why the issue could arise. While none of them will necessarily break down or damage anything important (in fact, most can be easily resolved), it may help identify what is causing these problems so that we know how best to tackle fixing things right away!
To find out how to troubleshoot and fix a slow filling toilet, read on.
Why Is the Toilet Tank Slow to Fill?
Generally, a toilet tank will refill in about a minute based on the pressure of water in your home. You may have a problem if it takes a long time to complete.
For the following reasons, you might be having a slow-filling toilet.
Low water pressure
Some elevated areas have low water pressure, and this may cause your toilet tank to fill slowly. Some homes opt for a pressure regulating pump to avoid insufficient water pressure issues.
Check your taps in all the rooms and see if the water flow is adequate.
A problem with the water supply valve
A water supply valve is located just below the toilet tank, behind the toilet bowl, and is responsible for controlling the flow of water into the toilet tank. A partially closed valve or a malfunctioning valve may not regulate the flow of water correctly. Lastly, debris buildup can prevent water from flowing smoothly through the valve, reducing its filling capacity.
Tips for troubleshooting: Make sure your valve is completely open. Contact a licensed plumber for assistance if an open valve does not produce enough water to refill the tank.
A Waterlogged Float Ball
Water is regulated in the tank by a float ball. A waterlogged float ball prevents the tank from filling efficiently. Consequently, it can prevent enough water from entering the tank, or it can cause the water to refill at a slower rate than desired.
You can check the water level by removing the toilet tank lid. Your float ball could be waterlogged if it’s partially filled or doesn’t float near the top of the tank. If you need to replace the float ball, you just have to remove the old one and install the new one.
It should be noted that float balls are old toilet technology. In case this mechanism is in need of replacement, consider purchasing modern parts for your inner toilet.
Problems with the Fill Valve Tube
Fill valves are located at the end of vertical tubes inside the toilet tank. Fill valves are used to control water levels in tanks. Fill valves are susceptible to wearing down, blockageging, or shifting out of alignment over time. A toilet that cannot fill with water properly may be affected by any of these negative factors.
After you’ve determined that the problem isn’t with a waterlogged float ball or with the water supply valve, it’s time to investigate the fill valve. Make sure the valve is not worn out or improperly positioned inside the tank. It’s normally mounted on the left side of the tank, with the tailpiece extending through the bottom, where it’s connected to the shut-off valve and supply tube.
How To Fix Fixing a Slowly Filling Toilet
After learning what the cause of a slow toilet tank fill will be, here are some steps you can take to fix the issue.
Call Your Neighbours
Ask your neighbours if they are experiencing insufficient water pressure. If they are, then it’s an issue with the municipal water line, and all you can do is report the problem. If not, then call a plumber; you may have a bigger issue than just low water pressure and a slow filling toilet tank.
Turn On the Water Supply Valve
More often than not, the water supply valve is only partially open is the main culprit. Make sure the valve is fully open.
Adjust the Fill Valve
Follow these steps to adjust the toilet fill valve:
- Locate the fill valve on the left side of the tank after removing the tank lid.
- Fill valves need to be secured and evenly attached to their tubes.
- The adjustment screw on an older toilet can be loosened and the fill valve opened with a flathead screwdriver. We suggest calling a licensed plumber for old models.
- With a hand, turn the fitting of a modern toilet to increase the amount of water in the tank.
- For new or old toilets, the water level should be about an inch below the top of the overflow tube.
- Once the toilet is flushed, ensure the tank has been filled at the right rate and with the proper amount of water.
The Fill Valve Needs Cleaning
Does the fill valve seem to have mineral deposits and gunk? Cleaning it is as follows:
- Call an experienced plumber. The fill valve is a tricky component to handle, and without proper training and experience, you may end up with more problems than when you started.
- Cleaning the fill valve involves removing screws, fill caps, washers and gaskets. Mishandling these might mean that you need to replace the whole mechanism.
- Not to mention the cleaning, scrubbing and putting it back in place correctly. It’s best to not do it yourself and call the professionals.
Replace or Fix a Waterlogged Float Ball
- Make sure the float ball is not mounted too low on the toilet float arm. It’s easy to increase water flow by bending the arm slightly upward, so the ball does not fall to the bottom of the tank.
- However, if this still does not work, you may need to install a new float ball or consult your local plumber about replacing the old-style mechanism with a newer one.
Fix a Valve Tube Problem
The valve tube must be cleaned of debris to fix a blocked one. But this requires removing and replacing hardware that would require gentleness and technique. Mishandling such mechanisms may end up in damaged washers. We suggest you call a plumber.
When to Call a Plumber?
The best time to call a plumber is if you understand your limits and the limitations and dangers of DIY solutions. Call a plumber if you notice a slow filling toilet tank during normal business hours. You’d be surprised how kind a plumber could be and walk you through the actual steps in troubleshooting the toilet tank problem. A plumber would know better and have experienced more of the same situations, and could come up with the correct solution for common issues. So, don’t hesitate to call the best local plumbers in Perth at Rowson’s Plumbing Services.