Perth's Trusted Hot Water System Replacement Experts
Types of hot water systems
Why choose Rowson's For Hot Water System Replacement

FAQs about hot water system replacement
How much does it typically cost to replace a water heater?
There is no standard price for hot water system replacements. The licensed plumber will have to investigate and consider a variety of factors to reach a fair market price estimate. We would need to consider the type and brand of the new and old hot water systems, the condition of the existing water pipes and hot water unit, the type and location of the property, and the equipment needed to install the new hot water system effectively. It just stands to reason that a replacement that involves excavating the old plumbing would cost more than those that do not need digging or looking for pipes inside walls. It would be best to contact the hot water specialists at Rowson’s Plumbing Services for expert advice and better estimates.
Should I DIY a hot water system replacement?
The importance of safety cannot be overstated. If you make a mistake when installing a water heater, it may be obvious right away, or the problem may take some time to manifest. However, good installation and regular maintenance will assist in extending the life of a water heater. Licensed plumbers are qualified and equipped to install many types of water heaters, including gas, electric, tank, tankless, condensing, heat pump, and geothermal. Their knowledge and skills include plumbing, electrical, carpentry, and building codes, among other things.
Why hire a professional for hot water system replacement?
A competent, certified plumber can ensure that your plumbing is safe and that your hot water is always available. Professional installation and maintenance create a relationship of trust that can last for the many years you’ll gain from a professionally installed water heater.
Using the same plumber often ensures familiarity with your unit and property, allowing faster and more accurate maintenance and service. Having a competent plumber on-call can also assist in detecting other potential plumbing concerns.
A water heater is more than a heated tank. Depending on the occupant’s needs, wiring, plumbing, and the fuel supply can be complex and require particular skills or training to fix or install. Water heaters often run on 230 volts, which can be dangerous when combined with flooding, spraying, or persistent leakage. Instead of risking serious injury by attempting to repair or install the heater on your own, hire a professional. A water heater professional can ensure that your water heater complies with local building codes.
If you rely on an amateur or unauthorized person, you risk breaching these codes, which could result in fines or other consequences. Damages from a new water heater may be denied by insurance carriers if it is not installed by a licensed plumber. Aside from house insurance requirements, buying a new water heater may violate a warranty if it is not installed by a professional. This requirement may or may not be included in the appliance’s accessories. The warranty may be cancelled if the manufacturer discovers an unlicensed person installed or repaired the device, leaving you to pay for a new water heater and expert installation.